Today's feel-good story...
I LOVE this story that Enigma referenced on his blog.
This version is even better, and gives you more of the story.
Vociferous: adjective, marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry
I LOVE this story that Enigma referenced on his blog.
If not, you may just have had the wrong strategy. Apparently, you gotta think outside the box. I direct your attention to this eye-opening article from the Journal:
I was watching the medal ceremony tonight for the Speed Skating medals. Now, you might expect I'd comment on the whole Davis/Hedrick quarrel. I'm not going to. Instead, I just wanted to point out that the Italian National Anthem is very upbeat and pretty fun - they even get to shout at the end. Anybody else notice it?
It appears that the Olympics are not as dominant in the ratings race this time around. Jason Moring of Slate thinks he knows why Americans don't care as much about the Olympics as they used to. (Thanks to RedRock for this story)
Milan D. Smith, a BYU graduate, was named to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Smith is the elder brother to Oregon Senator Gordon Smith. Smith did his undergraduate work at BYU and got his JD at the University of Chicago.
Figures. As soon as I make my Cheney post, he makes a public statement, basically taking all the blame.
OK so this is old news. But I wanted to put my two cents in. I'm sure more facts will later be revealed that might change my mind on it, but here is my snap opinion on it.
Orrin Hatch, asked what he thought about the '08 GOP Nomination, and Mitt Romney's chances:
Speaking of the Anti-Valentine's crowd, a friend sent this to me. I thought it fitting for the mood of the day. [These are entries to a Washington Post competition asking for a rhyme with the most romantic first line... but the least romantic second line…] Here is an excerpt:
Well, Valentine's day is upon us. It can be a great day if you are in a completely committed relationship (and if the menfolk can avoid its pitfalls - after all, the womenfolk tend to take this day pretty seriously) but otherwise, be warned. It can be dangerous, depressing, or confusing.