Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Waiting Bush Out

This author argues that middle east dictators are now in a strategy of waiting Bush out, believing that he is an aberration of U.S. Politics and that the American people don't have the will to continue the proactive (some say reckless) policy of the Bush Doctrine. Because of this belief, democratizing (albeit slow-moving) effects that we have seen over the past few years will stop and even reverse. Is he right?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Heder

Sorry if you're sick of Heder, but I just love this article.

Friday, March 24, 2006

If I could find a souvenir just to prove the world was here...

This is not how I got into debt. But maybe I kinda wish it was...

At least it was for charity, right? Thanks to "Lyn" for sending this.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Worried about my Google Mail

Apparently, Google Mail's act isn't quite together lately.

Thanks to my friend James (his website is found here) for the article, and condolences to him as well, since he is one of the poor guys referenced in the article, and has been without his main email account for over 72 hours.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

An improbably cool nerd

Heder, inspiring hope for nerds everywhere.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Noteworthy Apparel Purveyors

This site sells t-shirts created from user-submitted designs, such as the one shown above, or this one - a personal favorite. It's some cool apparel, yo. Check it out.

Shout out to Rob for introducing me to this site. Click here to see a short bio of Rob, his history, his life's work.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Tale of Two Cities

This USA Today Op/Ed discusses the demographics that are at work for conservatives. It contrasts two of my favorite cities in the world - Seattle and Salt Lake - and points out that one city has kids, and the other city has dogs.

"What's the difference between Seattle and Salt Lake City? There are many differences, of course, but here's one you might not know. In Seattle, there are nearly 45% more dogs than children. In Salt Lake City, there are nearly 19% more kids than dogs."

Since it is conservatives that tend to have more kids (and less abortions), this favors Conservatives. This is because children tend to follow in their parents' political footsteps, and therefore there are more children who grow up to be conservative themselves -- like their parents.

Fortunately for liberals, however, they are not left without hope. They still have the indoctrination of MTV, liberal academia, and plain old rebellion to counteract such "inherited" conservative notions.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

More Mitt

More press for Mitt:

If Policy Agendas Count in 2008 Race, Romney's a Winner


Mighty Mitt Romney

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Condescending Awards

I actually watched some of the Oscars this year. Did everyone notice that when Jon Stewart was at his funniest, no one in the audience was laughing? Hollywood sure struggles at laughing at itself.

I actually got irritated early on by George Clooney. I first to have to say that I think Clooney is a great actor - I especially love "O Brother Where Art Thou." Man that's a great movie.

Anyways, in response to Stewart, who had jokingly referred to the charge that Hollywood is "out of touch" with mainstream America, Clooney eloquenty declared that it was probably a good thing that they were. "[W]e are the ones who talked about AIDS when it was only being whispered... We talked about civil rights... I'm proud to be part of this Academy, proud to be part of this community."

This all sounded well and good at first, because those are great issues to care about. I think Hollywood has at times brought important, needed awareness to some issues. Many times the Academy has produced movies that inspired Americans to be better, reach out to others, to help others. Well-crafted movies can move us to want to be better people. They heighten our awareness of the plight of others, or make us consider aspects of our humanity. I think of movies like "Hotel Rwanda", "Schindler's List," "The Power of One," "Rainman," "Chariots of Fire" and so forth. Sadly I think there are less inspiring movies lately. Such movies are more frequently being replaced by movies that celebrate cynicism and moral relativism.

But the more I thought about it, the more it seemed to me that Clooney was actually conveying an even deeper message. He was saying that the reason mainstream America feels like Hollywood is out of touch with them is only because Hollywood is BETTER THAN mainstream America. It seems that in Clooney's mind Hollywood elites are simply a nobler, higher, smarter, better class of people. This kind of condescending attitude is, I believe, emblematic of the problem with Hollywood -- "Regular" mainstream Americans think they're good people who care about issues too, and don't like to be told they are somehow inferior by the likes of those who are, on average, notoriously bad at living good lives themselves, regardless of how much they parrot the latest (however how noble) cause.

I'm not saying that Clooney in particular leads a bad life. Clooney is simply saying what many in Hollywood would be thinking. It's understandable that Clooney wants to defend himself and those like him, but instead he came off to me as self-congratulatory and condescending.

Am I being too critical?

Click here for Ben Stein's take on it.