Sunday, April 09, 2006

Heder on sports

In order to further fuel CJ's claims that I have a "man-crush" on Jon Heder, here is an article with SI featuring him discussing his lack of sports knowledge. (Look, I have to have something light to offset the boring drone of my political posts!)

The 'Blades of Glory' quotes are hilarious.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Saddam, what a stooge

This quote makes me want to cast Saddam in a Three Stooges remake:

Saddam denounced the court as illegitimate, saying "a body whose base and formation is illegitimate and unjust can't pronounce justice. How could anyone imagine that it could issue a verdict on the Iraqi president, who stood as a sharp spear inside the eyes of those who planned and worked to poke Iraq's eyes?"

I mean, who says this kind of stuff? Tyrannical dictators/mass murderers/human rights abusers are such megalomaniacs.

Of course in this remake nothing would be staged. By that I mean, when Moe drops the anvil on Saddam's foot, or Larry knocks him over the head with a baseball bat, it's for real. Hmmmm ... I guess that makes Saddam Curly by default.

Nyuk Nyuk!